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Some Interesting Facts About Barack Obama

Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States is well known enough in every country. He is a charismatic and a powerful man with so many interesting roots. His life is being painted in a very attractive and obscure manner. His is a product of a mixture of races with different cultures from different countries. But in the end, he is a pure American, being a president of   his very own country- United States.

So, here are some interesting facts about Barack Obama and it will somehow give you an idea about who he really is.

·        He is bi-racial. He has a Kenyan father and a white American

·         He doesn’t eat ice-cream

·        He is romantic. He usually gives some flowers and gifts to 
          wife-Michelle Obama during their anniversaries 
          and other important occasions

·         He is a left-handed person

·         He loves reading Harry Potter Books
·         He knows how to speak Spanish

·         He smokes but he has plans to stop

·         He won a Grammy award last 2006 for a title of The Best Spoken Word Recording of an audio      
          version of his book- Dreams From My Father

·         He loves playing scrabble

·         His parents got  divorced when he was  2 years old

·         He studied at the Law School of Harvard

·         He was a   lawyer, teacher, and a writer before he became a politician

·         He doesn’t like coffee

·         He had tried taking marijuana and cocaine when he was young but he regret that action

·         He is using an apple Mac laptop

·         He can speak Spanish

·         He likes black forest berry iced tea

·         He cut his hair once a week for   $25

·         He loves comics

·         He rarely drinks alcohol

·         He used to live with his grandparents

·         His name means “one who is blessed” in Swahili

·         He was known as “O’Bomber” at high school

·         He is a Christian; not a Muslim

·         His father has three wives. Obama’s mother is the second one.

All these things are just some few interesting things about Barack Obama. But what makes this man special and interesting is that how he made it to become one of the great presidents of the United States. He is making himself more interesting when he won his    second term in the US government as a president. Kudos to him!

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